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You can pin and measure your jacket to the desired fit by following the pictures.
You can send them to us, or book a collection from your door.

If you are not confident to pin and measure your jacket for alterations, you can book one of our tailors for pining, measuring, and collection.

Jackets Sleeves  Alterations

Lengthen sleeves with buttonholes £40
Lengthen sleeves without buttonholes £25
Check the fabric inside the sleeve to make sure it is enough for lengthening

Jackets Sleeves Lengthen Alterations

Taking in Jacket chest £35
Taking in Jacket side seams £35
How to pin the jacket side seam for taking in (making the jacket tighter)

Jackets Side Seam Take in  Alterations

Let out Jacket side both seam £45
How to let out the jacket side seam
(making the jacket wider)
Check the fabric inside the jackets to make sure it is enough to let out

Jackets Let out Side Seam  Alterations

Taking in Jacket back centre seam £40
How to pin the jacket centre back seam for taking in (making the jacket tighter)

Jacket Centre Seam Take in Alterations

Let out Jacket centre back seam £35
How to let out the jacket
centre back seam (making the jacket wider)

Jackets Let out Side and Centre Seam Alterations

Taking in Jacket sleeve £30

How to pin the jacket sleeve to taking in
(making the jacket sleeve tighter)

Let out Jacket sleeve £35
How to let out the jacket sleeve 
(making the jacket sleeve wider)

 Jacket Sleeve Take in Alterations
Jacket Sleeve Let out Alterations

Taking in Square back neck £40

How to pin the jacket square back neck
for taking in
(removing the extra fabric on the back)

 Jacket Square Back Neck Take in Alterations
 Jacket Square Back Neck Take in Alterations

Taking in or narrow Jacket shoulder £50
How to pin the jacket shoulder for
taking in (making the jacket shoulder narrow)

Jacket Take in Shoulder Alterations
Jacket Take in Shoulder Alterations

Shorten Jacket length £60
Shorten J
acket length basic £40
How to pin the jacket length for shortening

Jacket Shorten Length Alterations
Jacket Shorten Length Alterations
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